Steering Column guage pod
Steering Column guage pod
I just installed the Defi guage with the Autometer steering column guage pod...the guage pod is by autometer and doesnt fit like the stock one. For you guys that have this, how did you make the guage pod stay connected to the lower steering column? I just taped the sides but it looks really really ghetto
I don't have that pod, but I think it may be just an overlay of the stock steering wheel cover piece (ie: leave the stock on on there and attach it to it)
I recall a thread in the show-n-shine forums regarding this, do a search or browse in there.
I recall a thread in the show-n-shine forums regarding this, do a search or browse in there.
Originally Posted by grcygetr
except i drilled a hole in stock piece for the hose and wires