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Old Mar 7, 2006, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by MRinChrist
Saddam not only had WMD but he planned on using them and delivering them to the shores of the United States. Saddam had a direct connection to al qaeda and funded Palestinian suicide bombers to do their dirty work...In the process the American military has liberated 50,000,000 from oppression, we have set up a strategic ally in the ME, and we have Iran surrounded.

Our soldiers, primarily Republican BTW, believe in the mission. For the neo-socialists to wave their dead bodies in the air and sling them at Bush is dishonest. The soldiers that died in battle have died for a just cause and died doing what they love to do, fight.

FYI--No battle has been as clean and efficient, in the history of warfare, as Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, keep telling yourself that stuff over and over again maybe it might magically become the truth. Saddam had WMD, lmao! EVEN BUSH NOW ADMITS THAT HE DIDNT AND THEY HAD "BAD INTELLIGENCE"!!! Where the hell do you people come from! Your ignorance is making me dizzy
Old Mar 7, 2006, 01:11 PM
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William Tierney translated secret Saddam tapes (as seen on ABC):

Tierney says, however, that what Saddam actually said was much more sinister. "He [Saddam] was discussing his intent to use chemical weapons against the United States and use proxies so it could not be traced back to Iraq,"...Tierney says Saddam declares: "Terrorism is coming. ... In the future there will be terrorism with weapons of mass destruction. What if we consider this technique, with smuggling?"
Old Mar 7, 2006, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by XxBLACKMAMBAxX
Whatever helps you sleep at night, keep telling yourself that stuff over and over again maybe it might magically become the truth. Saddam had WMD, lmao! EVEN BUSH NOW ADMITS THAT HE DIDNT AND THEY HAD "BAD INTELLIGENCE"!!! Where the hell do you people come from! Your ignorance is making me dizzy
It is infantile to think Saddam didn't have them. Bush NEVER ADMITTED, because it is not true, that Saddam hadn't WMD. The question is not if he had them, the question is where are they.
Old Mar 7, 2006, 01:16 PM
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MRinChrist, the soldiers support Bush eh? Heres news source maybe even YOU can respect since its written by Christains.

" They call themselves the Band of Brothers, about 50 men - and a few women - all Democrats, all opposed to the Bush administration's handling of Iraq, and all military veterans. One more thing: They're all running for Congress this year."

Certainly sounds like Iraq vets support the Bush administration's handling of it!
Old Mar 7, 2006, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by XxBLACKMAMBAxX
MRinChrist, the soldiers support Bush eh? Heres news source maybe even YOU can respect since its written by Christains.

" They call themselves the Band of Brothers, about 50 men - and a few women - all Democrats, all opposed to the Bush administration's handling of Iraq, and all military veterans. One more thing: They're all running for Congress this year."

Certainly sounds like Iraq vets support the Bush administration's handling of it!
It is called political gamesmanship...The Democrat party is known as weak on military affairs and Iraq, so they are recruiting suckers to appear hawkish or credible on military matters...For somebody who prides himself on objectivity you sure are gullible.
Old Mar 7, 2006, 01:21 PM
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MRinChrist posting that 9/11 picture proves you are even more clueless then you already made yourself out to be. Typical Bush fearmongering bull****. 9/11 was carried out by the United States government. There are so many things that point to this being true I cant even go into it here. And before you even try to call me a whacko who is way out of touch with reality, let me state that I live and work construction in skyscrapers in New York City, including the new 7 WTC building that I was in just last week. Let me give you just a few bits of information about 9/11

- The first time in the history of the world that a steel framed building collapsed purely from a fire was on 9/11. That was the old 7 WTC. They claimed it was a pure fire that brought it down, impossible. NYC has a strict code of what materials can be used to construct buildings, fireproofing is a big part of the process. The steel used must reach at LEAST 2000 degrees F before it can begin to weaken and typically wont fail until over 3000 degrees.

-Jetfuel burns at 1200 degrees, and would have been the hottest burning material in the building in WTC 1 and 2. It is claimed that the damage from the planes entering the WTC weakend the structure and the resulting fires brought them down, well I have already proven that jetfuel is not hot enough to weaken steel used in construction. Steel core buildings throughout history have burned for as long as 24 hours straight spreading over many floors, and guess what, they didnt collapse, this includes the Empire State Building which was constructed back in the 1930s with older technology, had a B52 crash into it and set it on fire for hours, its still standing, I see it daily.

-Firefighters, police and newsreporters on teh ground that day reported secondary explosions repeatedly throughout the hour or so the buildings were on fire, all coming from the underground levels, weakening the foundation. The towers fell at Freefall speed, indicating nothing was breaking the fall of the supposed fire weakend toplevels, 1000s of tons of steel and concrete in its path, and nothing broke its fall? In later interviews with firefighters, they gave eyewitness accounts of how every floor blew out one after the other like in a "controlled demolition".

-Larry Silverstein, the owner of the wtc who made billions from the destruction cause the insurance payoff, was ON VIDEO saying the descision was made to destroy WTC 7 by demolition, yet later retracted that statement and claimed he was refering to something else and that it fell from a fire.

-the WTC removed bomb sniffing dogs that were previously on round the clock duty a week before 9/11. The buildings also ran some full power downs that week turning off all security cameras.

-George W Bush's brother Marvin Bush was the head of security for the WTC until Sept 10th.

-I forget right now the name of the organization that Cheny and Rumsfeld belong to that wrote a plan for American global domination in the new century back in 1999, that called for a huge increase in military spending to make america the worlds most dominant force in all aspects, and claimed that it would take a very long time to bring that to fruition save for "a catastrophic event, like a new pearl harbor."

It goes on and on, I cant really keep going into it but if you look around you will find alot more information, There is also a documentary about it. Go to and search for loose change 2nd edition.

Basically alot of people stood to make ALOT of money and gain alot of power by those buildings being destroyed and the resulting fear of the american public which led us all to give the government 100 percent support to do whatever they had to do to protect us.

I am a native New Yorker. I was heartbroken when those buildings came down more then anyone who lives in other parts of the country can begin to understand. I was pissed at the terrorists, i had a kill em all attitude as well and supported anything Bush said about waging war on them, which is exactly what was planned by Bush and his buddies. But after my emotions were under control, and we stopped looking for bin laden and went to Iraq, I actually thought about the facts and how buildings are constructed in NYC, thers just no way it went down how the official story would have you believe.

Which is why I take offense to you posting up the unfortunate death of a fellow New Yorker as a way to further your own political agenda. I have no agenda but the truth. I could care less about politics I think theyre all a bunch of bullsh1tters. Truth and justice. And the real terrorist is the one you blindly follow.

Oh and by the way, you say liberals ban smoking, the mayor of NYC is a billionare republican, and signed into law that smoking is banned from all public places in the 5 boroughs.
This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read. There are so many untrue "facts" presented here, it is silly. If you want to know why the WTC collapsed, read some books on structural/stress analysis.
Old Mar 7, 2006, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by MRinChrist
It is infantile to think Saddam didn't have them. Bush NEVER ADMITTED, because it is not true, that Saddam hadn't WMD. The question is not if he had them, the question is where are they.

Last edited by XxBLACKMAMBAxX; Mar 7, 2006 at 01:26 PM.
Old Mar 7, 2006, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by galvitron
This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read. There are so many untrue "facts" presented here, it is silly. If you want to know why the WTC collapsed, read some books on structural/stress analysis.
So which specific "facts" were untrue? Im having so much fun with this you guys
Old Mar 7, 2006, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by XxBLACKMAMBAxX
Isn't seeBS the organization that peddled forged documents in an attempt to damage Bush? BTW, your link does nothing to prove that Bush "admitted Saddam did not have WMD"...In fact your link does nothing but prove that seeBS is a propaganda arm of the Democrat party, Saddam WAS trying to acquire MORE yellow-cake (as if he didn't have enough already).
Old Mar 7, 2006, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by MRinChrist
Isn't seeBS the organization that peddled forged documents in an attempt to damage Bush? BTW, your link does nothing to prove that Bush "admitted Saddam did not have WMD"...In fact your link does nothing but prove that seeBS is a propaganda arm of the Democrat party, Saddam WAS trying to acquire MORE yellow-cake (as if he didn't have enough already).
hahahahaha! you can find a problem with everything! people like you are just funny. ok so what have you got to say about these, or is anything that isnt fox news not telling the truth??


your move

by the way, i just LOVE how fox news trys to spin it in Bush's favor by adding that "well Saddam COULD have started a weapons program again if he wanted" hahahaha you republicans are hysterical, too bad people have to die for your jokes

Last edited by XxBLACKMAMBAxX; Mar 7, 2006 at 01:51 PM.
Old Mar 7, 2006, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by XxBLACKMAMBAxX
hahahahaha! you can find a problem with everything! people like you are just funny. ok so what have you got to say about these, or is anything that isnt fox news not telling the truth??
"[Saddam] wanted to end sanctions while preserving the capability to reconstitute his weapons of mass destruction when sanctions were lifted,"

Not only did Saddam have them, and use them, but he planned on evolving them...This is all that matters, well that and the fact that Saddam was in bed with al qaeda.

Case closed.
Old Mar 7, 2006, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by MRinChrist
"[Saddam] wanted to end sanctions while preserving the capability to reconstitute his weapons of mass destruction when sanctions were lifted,"

Not only did Saddam have them, and use them, but he planned on evolving them...This is all that matters, well that and the fact that Saddam was in bed with al qaeda.

Case closed.
LOL, i love this guy. You do realize there was absolutely NO link found between Saddam Hussein and AL Qaeda. And by the way, where's Bin Laden??????? Please find me some credible up to date sources that back you up. Cause you have not provided a damn thing but your own opinion. What kind of Christian supports killing anyway?
Old Mar 7, 2006, 04:02 PM
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Actually, the correct phrase is "Saddam had no links to 9/11".

There were indeed many occasions where the Iraqi Intelligence Service met with Al-Qaida operatives. But this does not prove that Saddam had any links to 9/11. The specific instances of these meetings are in the 9/11 Commission's report.
Old Mar 7, 2006, 04:04 PM
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If you want some solid info couched in a good read, have a look at Michael Crichton's latest book, "State of Fear".

The story shows his beliefs but it's also full of factual reference material for those who are either skeptical or just want more info.

It's a decent story but mostly a real eye-opener re: environmental organizations.

BTW, in the early 90's I worked on several projects for the Dept. of Energy at a national laboratory. One of these was monitoring radiosondes to determine temperatures and their effects on the ozone hole in particular and the environment in general. Study conclusions were that humans had very little to do with with the cyclical nature of temperature throughout the world nor the size of the ozone hole. Carbon monoxide emissions have the largest effect but have not increased enough to explain the THEORY (not even close to fact) of global warming.

This study was funded by the government during the Clinton administration.

Last edited by cj8718; Mar 7, 2006 at 05:43 PM.
Old Mar 7, 2006, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by XxBLACKMAMBAxX
LOL, i love this guy. You do realize there was absolutely NO link found between Saddam Hussein and AL Qaeda. And by the way, where's Bin Laden??????? Please find me some credible up to date sources that back you up. Cause you have not provided a damn thing but your own opinion. What kind of Christian supports killing anyway?
Umm I have to just give a little insight on this. As much as I despise Bush right now and the rest of our government. There was a connection between sadaam and al qaeda. I know marines and army infantry that saw the pay off checks in his warehouses. Also if there was no connection then how come alot of al qaeda members were able to burrough themselves deeply within Iraq? Not to mention if al qada didnt have connections with sadaam then how come al qaeda had a huge hissy fit when we removed sadaam? Or did you forget the day when we captured him and tried to restore order is when all hell broke loose and now we have been fighting a guerrilla war for quite sometime now.

Now it is also true that sadaam did have wmd's and also the potential of creating a nuclear weapon but all the evidence of that was taken to syria. There have been factual detailed evidence that came from one of sadaams bunkers full of paperwork that there was docs that contained info about transporting the wmds and the components to syria which is its neighboring country which is also what I have been saying before we invaded. I told one of my friends who is in the intelligence committee at the pentagon to make sure you bring up the blockade to any bordering nation before you invade or else the wmds which was the predication reason for being able to invade iraq is losed. Well of course the good ole boys in washington declined his request because "It isnt deemed a priority cost." Well g if they would have listened to me and my friend and of course others that were asking for this then we wouldn't have to be looking for them.

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