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Street Saga 2004 Car Show

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Old Jun 3, 2004, 07:26 PM
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Special treatment.

All TLNW was together. I made sur of that I posted stating I didnt have all the names registered as TLNW. You were allowed to sleep in the parking lot. I left Friday at 2:30am I was awoken later by security stating you were outside and the instructions they got from parks department were no one on site after 10pm except staff. I said you were there to help with the show. All cars were supposed to roll in night before and get judged night before. We had a lot of complaints about the safety of everyones cars inside( as you seen securuty was there 24 hours.) So we allowed Roll in Saturday. which means we had to change judging(doesnt matter they didnt do there job) Waiting outside. everyone does at every show. TLNW was one of the first invited because I also invited you to my dyno day. The M3 chose to leave and come back. The people standing in the rain was because they wanted to or didnt hear me tell everyone else that they could go over to the office across the way and get PIZZA. Also a lot of people came in and walked around while they waited to get loaded in. Also everyone direct access to talk with me.

Being in the back corner you were 50 feet from stage, 50 feet from our sponsors main attraction, and on the way out the back door to our food vendors, bathrooms and stunt team. I am sorry food was expensive they were all that would come out on Memorial Day weekend.

As for JD I will deal with him. Any direspect he showed you I take full responsiblity for I brought him up from Oregon because he has worked a lot of car shows. I also knew him from way back in the day from the street racing scene before F&F. He was not supposed to really talk to anyone. As you seen his people skills are poor. I am sorry you will never come to another Street Saga event.

TLNW is and will always be welcome at anything I do whether it be the Street Saga Car show, Dyno Days, Scenic drives, BBQ, Race Days, Car Washes, After hours, etc.

Again I apoligize. I understand you are angry and there is nothing I can do to change that.
Old Jun 6, 2004, 04:41 PM
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Originally Posted by ohcanada_00
Well, now i get to say my piece.

Having spent the night in the car the night before wanting to be there early so i could get a good spot, I spent well over 24 ***cing hours at Street Saga which was more Suck Saga than anything. TLNW was told they were in the front of the house for a parking spot, and we wound up in the back. Paul from DSP entertainment or where ever he works was a retard and had absolutly no control over the event or the crwond once we found out that he had royaly flubbed up.

I want a refund plain and simple. How can you even say Street Saga was a car show? the judges sucked, the awards were overrun and commadoed by Team Outlandish and Exotic Phantasies who by the way won a Awful lot of those awards....Shady. Just No other word to describe it but shady. They screwed some very nice cars of or trophies. The Red M3, The Candy apple Red !80 Z, the Only Scobie Wagon worth looking at, The diamond plate ford Escourt, the Best of Show Quality Escalade, the TEEM EXTREEM MP5 which looked like God himself built that car. But i guess thats okay since they were charging 22 bucks at teh door so it's VERY obvious that money and porfit were the only thing on these 'producers' minds. Maybe I'll make friends with the judges next time so I can get and award too. or wait maybe I'll just whine like a BABY when i dont get a pretty trophy and then jump up on stage and start handing myself awards so i can get one and my pathetic little ego wont get bruised beacause i built a car which looked awesome three years ago when it was done and hasn;t been changed since, so i have to steal trophies to feel better about it.

I guess next time i go to a show for imports I'll go whith the expectation of being judged on Hot Rod rules..... oh wait, I wont cause a real show follows HIN style rules and car owners prepare for it as such. Not Street Saga, we got told it didn't really mater that some of us had spent 10 plus hours detailing a daily driver just so we would lok nice for the show, even knowing we had no chance of an award. I guess next time I go toa show, I'll make sure to bring a bikini because I'm obviously the only one who will participate. oh wait, no, other shows ACTUALLY DELIVER ON THIER PROMISES FOR ENTERTAINMENT!

I'll make sure to bring food in cause the prices charged by thier buddy vendors were obscene and stadium like. 3 bucks for an Oscar Meyer hot dog?

Thanks go out to Shawn, Mike, Armon, Chris, Rick, Jon, Lizette, Nathan and Warren for showing up to rep TLNW. We got a ton of pictures taken of our cars and with the exception of the Outlandish and Exotic Phantasies guys, everyone was impressed by us. I'm really proud of what we had and now it's time to build on it.

Thats all for now cause if i dont get some sleep, I'm going to die. only 16 hours in 4 days for me just wont cut it!

Ok everyone, I am just going to say it. CAR SHOWS are all about who you know. It is completely subjective. When you enter your car you know that it is going to be left completely up to some judge that has favorites. WHen we had our eclipse I will say that we took home many best of show titles because of who we knew. Maybe our car did deserved to win but its all in the eys of the judge(s). When were we in National shows some cars definitley did not deserve to win but they did. Thats how car shows are and always will be. Thats exactly why we sold our eclipse and bought an EVO. When its go there is no question who the winner will be. When it is show it is always up in the air.
Take for example the black rx7 at HIN; it was also in import tuner I think. He has a tacky display(those goofy lava lamp thingys around his car) his black paint has so many swirls, yet he wins BOS every competition he has entered for the past year. WHy? because of who he knows.

Before you waste your money entering a show make sure you do research on it. How long has it been around? How many judges are there going to be? Of the judges, how many shows have they judged? Who won BOS last year or took 1st in any category? What were their mods? Can they send you over a judges score sheet, so you know what they will be socring and how many points etc.
If a show can't answer any of those questions, you should bother. They need to send you a scoring sheet. If they don't, DO NOT ENTER.
If you decide that youa re going to enter. As soon as you get there, introduce yourself to the judges. Tell them how excited you are to be there and simply mention what car you have entered such as " I am so excited to be here and be able to show my Red Eclipse" Be a personable as posiible.
If you can't find or meet the judges, be as smiley as possible. SPEAK to everyone at that show. Mention that you entered your car and how excited you are to be there. Grab the models floating around. Ask them to take pictures in front of your car. The more people around your car the better.
When people see how personable you are they are more likely to take a second look at your car when scoring. IT is sad but car shows are all about politics.

If you would like to know any more about how to do car shows we are always available to help out and give advice.

~Nicole & Michael
Old Jun 7, 2004, 11:32 AM
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ok im sorry, but not all shows are about politics. It is not about who you know, its about how well your car is put together. (well except for street saga, it was how much money u gave to the promoter since all the awards started going to sponsor cars when they obviously were not the best) I have been to so many shows in the last couple years I've lost count, and the winners are deserving of the trophy 99% of the time. Especially best in show cars. These cars are done VERY well in all aspects of the judging criteria and that is why they win. Not because they are buddy buddy with the judges, if car shows were like that then ppl wouldve stopped entering them a LONG time ago.

im sorry but in my opinion you sound like a bitter person who used to have a show car, and didnt win so you are making excuses instead of accepting the truth :shrugs:
Old Jun 7, 2004, 07:57 PM
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well, in defense of some of the guy who didn't win, when a pretty much stock WRX with the only mod being a front mount intercooler wins over one of the most awesome WRX wagons with custom carbon fiber rims, dropped, custom paint, lights, interior. etc for best Subaru, then no its not about the beter car, its about the friends who are the judges.

While I'm not all that upset anymore, I am still peeved that all these people who want to spout off about how we are just whining WERE NOT EVEN AT THE SHOW!!! Give us who were some credit, why would we lie about what happened? Check the DTM, Subaru, Lancer or even some of the show club boards, ALL of us are saying the same thing. Street Saga Sucked and it was jaded and lame.
Old Jun 8, 2004, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Puma1077
ok im sorry, but not all shows are about politics. It is not about who you know, its about how well your car is put together. (well except for street saga, it was how much money u gave to the promoter since all the awards started going to sponsor cars when they obviously were not the best) I have been to so many shows in the last couple years I've lost count, and the winners are deserving of the trophy 99% of the time. Especially best in show cars. These cars are done VERY well in all aspects of the judging criteria and that is why they win. Not because they are buddy buddy with the judges, if car shows were like that then ppl wouldve stopped entering them a LONG time ago.

im sorry but in my opinion you sound like a bitter person who used to have a show car, and didnt win so you are making excuses instead of accepting the truth :shrugs:
LMAO You don;t have to be sorry. Umm But anyhow incase you are wondering We have won 3 Best engine , 1 Bos and 3 best Neon. I took home a trophy in EVERY show I entered. Quoting you "the winners are deserving 99% of the time" How do you know? Did you take a clip board around? Did you mark for what types of ice they had, creativitiy placement, Did you look at each undercarriage? What about the engine? Did you count how many pieces were chrome or painted? What about the hoses? Did you take off for any brake dust? How many shows have you entered?

Seriously, All I did was offer help to anyone who was interested in entering car shows. Then you had to call me bitter? I think you really need to grow up and realize that it is all SUBJECTIVE and it is all about politics. A Mitsu is not going to have a chance in hell of Winning BOS if the judges do not like mitsu. That is a simple fact. If you don't think so you are in DENIAL.

Oh and if you would like to see my mitsu that won the trophies its posted in this forum.
Old Jun 8, 2004, 08:26 AM
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ohcanda - I couldnt agree with you more, Street Saga was the biggest spuing pile of horse crap I have ever experienced in my life, this was one case where the judging WAS who you knew, and It makes me very angry because it gives off a bad vibe for the entire NW scene that doesnt need to be given.

Cole - Congrats on your trophy wins, but i will still stand by my statement that almost ALL judging at car shows in non-biased. I have put on shows in the past and will put on shows in the future, and I know the people that put on Import Life and I know all of their judges. They are all VERY open to each and every car, and grade bases on a very strict point system. No where in this point system is "do you personally think this is a cool car? or should it lose just because it isnt your thing?" I wish you did not feel the way you do because with the exception of street saga, this is not how things are done. I hope one day you will realize that.
Old Jun 8, 2004, 10:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Puma1077
ohcanda - I couldnt agree with you more, Street Saga was the biggest spuing pile of horse crap I have ever experienced in my life, this was one case where the judging WAS who you knew, and It makes me very angry because it gives off a bad vibe for the entire NW scene that doesnt need to be given.

Cole - Congrats on your trophy wins, but i will still stand by my statement that almost ALL judging at car shows in non-biased. I have put on shows in the past and will put on shows in the future, and I know the people that put on Import Life and I know all of their judges. They are all VERY open to each and every car, and grade bases on a very strict point system. No where in this point system is "do you personally think this is a cool car? or should it lose just because it isnt your thing?" I wish you did not feel the way you do because with the exception of street saga, this is not how things are done. I hope one day you will realize that.
How old are you may I ask? I find that it is all about politics at every show. Some just hide it better than others. They may appear open to every car. But when it comes down to it, say you have a nissan and a mitsu, both are about the same points wise, If they think the mitsu is ugly it is not going to win. Every car show is subjective. I have seen it at HIN all the way down to small shows.


another thing is if SS was a national event, find out who was promoing it. you can file a complaint there.

* as a side not I was note at SS and have no idea what went on there.

That is all i have to say on this. Thank you.
Old Jun 8, 2004, 08:55 PM
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Cole, thanks for the tip, I think though that the same people promoting it here are doing it in Boise and Cali and they are the same people putting it on from what i understand! Thanks though! and I would love for you guys to bring that Evo of yours to another TLNW meet. We made TONS of changes I think you'll find a bit more to your liking this time!! We worked a lot of stuff out and I'd like to see some of those BOS pictures!!!!! We have a BBQ in Portland on the 26th maybe we'll see ya there?
Old Jun 9, 2004, 03:19 AM
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Thanks for the pointers, Nicole and Mike! Glad to hear from you two again. And like Dustin said, you should definitely check out our BBQ next month, if not for anything else, the good food and company!
Old Jun 9, 2004, 07:13 AM
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Originally Posted by ghostrider
Thanks for the pointers, Nicole and Mike! Glad to hear from you two again. And like Dustin said, you should definitely check out our BBQ next month, if not for anything else, the good food and company!

Hi guys! I will check our schedue. If we are free it shouldn't be a problem popping in. We have made some changes to our EVO! I'll post up some pictures this weekend. =o) Have a Super day!
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