Expert AccessPORT Tuner in Plano, TX (12/15-12/18)
Expert AccessPORT Tuner in Plano, TX (12/15-12/18)
COBB Tuning Plano welcomes Master Calibrator Tim Bailey from Surgeline Tuning to our Plano, TX location from 12/15 to 12/18. Tim is one of the premier AccessPORT calibrators in the United States. Tim's experience includes thousands of AccessPORT tuned vehicles, playing a significant role in developing the base maps that are packaged with the COBB AccessPORT and is a COBB AccessTUNER Pro Training Specialist.
Tim will be tuning cars on our dyno and advancing the training of our very own Calvin Dotson. There are a few appointments remaining for tunes during his visit, so if you would like one of the top AccessPORT tuners in the country to tune your car's setup, let us know by contacting us at (214) 291-3020 or
Tim will be tuning cars on our dyno and advancing the training of our very own Calvin Dotson. There are a few appointments remaining for tunes during his visit, so if you would like one of the top AccessPORT tuners in the country to tune your car's setup, let us know by contacting us at (214) 291-3020 or
Last edited by COBB Tuning; Dec 10, 2008 at 04:54 PM.
I'd be interested in seeing if any Evos in the DFW area are currently sporting an AccessPORT. I had one on my WRX and thought it was the dog's b**lcks. If I had an unmolested Evo, I'd certainly give it some strong consideration.
Free bump for a great vendor and a _CLEAN_ shop!
Free bump for a great vendor and a _CLEAN_ shop!